Neopixel LEDs and the micro:bit

For the past few weeks, I have been working with the 6th grade on micro:bit in preparation for their Legends of the Trash Creatures project. This year, given our health protocols related to COVID, students are not doing group work, which is traditionally an essential part of our LTC project. In years past, part of... Continue Reading →

DIY Accessory Design

Our sixth graders are finishing up their work on the Legends of the Trash Creatures project. This interdisciplinary, environmentally focused project tasks students with (among many other requirements) the creation of a 5' tall creature made of trash and embedded with Hummingbird Robotics to allow it to sense the environment and react with sound, lights,... Continue Reading →

Halloween Haunt with Hummingbird Bit

Halloween is the perfect time to test out the new Hummingbird Bit from Birdbrain Tech. My plan is to create a remotely controlled ghastly ghost or scary skull, something that can be triggered at a little distance to light up and move. For $6, I picked up a hanging phantom from Target. It's not mechanical... Continue Reading →

Walk, Don’t Walk!

A few weeks back I received an old pedestrian sign, the kind that shows an image of a person walking in white LEDs or a large hand held up to indicate "Stop!" in red LEDs. My cousin had recently purchased a batch of these at an auction for dirt cheap and thought that I might... Continue Reading →

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